Corporal US Marines Chris Miller & Zulu

Chris has been shot twice, stabbed once, and fell from a 50-foot cliff breaking his back leaving him paralyzed for 2 years. He felt like a burden on his family because he couldn’t do easy things; he couldn’t help out around the house. He felt like he was missing out on being a father because he couldn’t run around and play with his sons. Chris met Andy and instantly became part of the DFOB family. When he got the call that a service dog was ready for him, Chris knew his life was going to be much better. Chris has just started recovery from his fourth back surgery when he was officially matched with Zulu. He couldn’t bend over because of his back injury so he couldn’t play with his sons. One of the first things Chris and Zulu did when they got home was go in the front yard to play with his son. He threw the ball, his son hit it, and Zulu retrieved it and gave it to Chris. They played in the yard all night!

“Having Zulu has made my life easier than I could have imagined,” says Chris, “She helps me perform daily tasks that I have battled with since I sustained my injuries.”


Our Partners

We’d like to extend a big thank you to our corporate and media partners for your generous support. Your help gives us the opportunity to do what we do, and give both service members and our rescued dogs a chance at a better life.