Marc Ownes & Bacca

SFC (R) Marc Owens, is originally from Albion, Michigan. He Graduated High School in Coco Solo, Panama, (Army Brat). Shortly after graduation he enlisted in the Army. Marc started jumping (Skydiving) with the 82nd All-American Freefall team (2001), then in 2002 he became a member of the US Army Parachute Team “The Golden Knights”. Then a Coach at West Point Military Academy (Parachute Team), after that, he volunteered for a tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Shortly after his return in 2012, he had a horrific training accident (Skydiving) which resulted in numerous injuries/surgeries and the amputation of both of his legs. Having served faithfully and honorably he retired nine years ago, with 25 years and currently reside near Wilmington NC.


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We’d like to extend a big thank you to our corporate and media partners for your generous support. Your help gives us the opportunity to do what we do, and give both service members and our rescued dogs a chance at a better life.